Hamed Mohsenian-Rad

Hamed Mohsenian-Rad, Ph.D., IEEE Fellow
Professor and Bourns Family Faculty Fellow
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, Riverside
Email: hamed (at) ee DOT ucr DOT edu
Office: Room 436—Winston Chung Hall
Research Lab: Room 225—Winston Chung Hall
Phone: 951-827-2387   
Fax: 951-827-2425

New Book on Smart Grid Sensors and Data-Driven Applications

In 350 pages, this textbook covers the ever-growing field of smart grid sensors, as well as data-driven and intelligent methods for using sensor measurements in support of innovative smart grid applications. The book includes real-world examples, exercise questions, and sample data sets. The online resources include the solutions manual, computer programs (both MATLAB and Python), instructional slides, and data sets.

Graduate / Senior Undergraduate Level Course: EE 234: Smart Grid Sensors and Data-Driven Applications

  • Link on Cambridge University Press
  • Link on Amazon.com
  • eBook (Download Individual Chapters)

  • Chapter 2: Voltage and Current Measurements and their Applications (Slides) (Exercise Questions) (Data Set)
  • Chapter 3: Phasor and Synchrophasor Measurements and their Applications (Slides) (Exercise Questions) (Data Set)
  • Chapter 4: Waveform and Power Quality Measurements and Their Applications (Slides) (Exercise Questions) (Data Set)
  • Chapter 5: Power and Energy Measurements and Their Applications (Slides) (Exercise Questions) (Data Set)
  • Chapter 6: Probing and Its Applications (Slides) (Exercise Questions) (Data Set)
  • Chapter 7: Other Sensors and Off-Domain Measurements and Their Applications (Slides) (Exercise Questions) (Data Set)
  • References
  • Short Bio

    I am a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. My research is on developing optimization-based and data-driven techniques for power systems and smart grid applications with focus on sensing, controls, and operations. I received the NSF CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation for my research on smart grid; the Best Paper Award from the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting; the Best Paper Award from the IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communication; and the Technical Achievement Award from the IEEE Communications Socity. I have been the Lead PI or co-PI for over $15 million research projects. Before becoming a faculty member I was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto. I received my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of British Columbia in 2008, M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in 2004, and B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Amir-Kabir University of Technology in 2002. In 2007, I was a visiting student at Princeton University. I serve as Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, the IEEE Power Engineering Letters, and the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. Previously, I served as Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids for six years. I am the Associate Director of the Winston Chung Global Energy Center. Previously, I served as the Director of the UC-National Lab Center on Power System Cyber Security. I received the Distinguished Teaching Award from the Bourns College of Engineering in 2017. I am an IEEE Fellow, Class of 2020.


    Research on Distribution Synchro-phasors

    Research on Synchro-waveforms and Harmonic Synchro-phasors