• NSF: Learning for Safe and Secure Operation of Grid-Edge Resources, PI, $145,871, 2024-2027.

  • CEC: Field Testing and HiL Testing of Smart Grid Monitoring and Control Technologies, PI, $305,160, 2024-2025.

  • Industry Consortium: California Grid Readiness Assessment, PI, $150,000, 2023-2024.

  • RED: Equity, Sustainability, and Community Engagement in AI-Integrated Disaster Management, co-PI, $200,000, My Share: $60,000, 2023-2024.

  • RED: Wildfire Mitigation by Intelligent Monitoring of Incipient Failures, PI, $20,000, 2022-2023.

  • NSF: NRT: Science to Policy Education: Activating Knowledge for Sustainable Transportation, Co-PI, $3,000,000, My Share: $400,000, 2022-2027.

  • CEC: Advanced Integrated Building Energy Management Technology, Co-PI, $2,110,000, My Share: $633,000, 2017-2024.

  • NSF: RAPID: Collaborative Research: Collecting Perishable Data in the Aftermath of Winter Storm Uri in Texas on Disproportionate Impact and Recovery, PI, $25,000, 2021-2022.

  • OPE: GAANN Fellowships in Artificial Intelligence in Science and Engineering, Co-PI, $910,000, My Share: $145,000, 2021-2024.

  • UCOP: UC-National Lab Center for Electricity Distribution Cyber Security, PI, $3,750,000, 2018-2022.

  • NSF: Understanding the Complex Impact of Convergence Bids on Wholesale Electricity Markets, PI, $267,000, 2017-2023.

  • DoE: Integration of a DER Management System in Riverside, PI, $3,193,000, 2017-2021.

  • CEC: IoT and Ubiquitous Sensing in University Building Energy Management, PI, $685,000, 2017-2021.

  • NSF: CAREER: Self-Organizing Demand Side Management for Smart Grid, PI, $450,000, 2012-2017.

  • NSF: A Unified Approach to Quantifying Market Power in the Future Grid, PI, $160,311, 2013-2016.

  • NSF: Data Center Demand Response: Coordinating the Cloud and the Smart Grid, PI, $172,969, 2013-2016.

  • NSF: A Hierarchical Approach to Dynamic Big Data Analysis in Power Infrastructure Security, PI, $185,000, 2015-2017.

  • CEC: PEV-Based Active and Reactive Power Compensation in Distribution Networks, PI, $95,000, 2014.

  • RPU: Monitoring and Control of PVs, Battery Storage Systems, and EV Chargers at a 12 kV Industrial Substation, PI, $100,000, 2015-2016.

  • NSF: Control-Theoretic Defense Strategies for Cyber-Physical Systems, co-PI, $386,383, My Share: $193,190, 2014-2017.

  • CITRIS: Integrated Data Management of Synchrophasors and Behind-the-Meter Sensors for Sustainable Electricity Distribution, PI, $50,000, 2016.

  • RED: A Data Driven Platform for Power Infrastructure Security Analysis, PI, $10,000, 2015.

  • NSF: Cyber-Security Education for Community College Faculty in Texas, co-PI, $266,648, My Share: 25,000, 2012-2014.