Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Mihri Ozkan, Ph.D., is a professor of electrical and computer engineering department at the UCR. Ozkan is fellow of NAI, Frontier NAE and Keck NAS. She is the Climate Action Champion and Change Maker professor. Her lab made breakthroughs in electrode raw materials, new battery technologies, material processing and battery manufacturing with game changer ideas of using waste bottles and renewable sources such as sand, biomass and silly putty towards powering smart cities, vehicles and electronics for zero-emission. Ozkan holds 10 granted and 19 pending U.S. patents and ~90 filed invention disclosures. She is the recipient of Humanitarian Star, National Medal for Engineering Science, Emerging Scholar, Inventor, Young Investigator and Achievement in Technical Ingenuity, the Top 100 Science Spinoffs awards, and named as John Guarrera Engineering Educator, Climate Global Winner, Nature Top 100 Author. She has published 173 journal and 123 conference articles, 8 book chapters and 1 book.
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