Postdoctoral Researcher and Visiting Project Scientist
Dr. Koji Yamashita
(March 2021 - Present) Ph.D. Michigan Technological University
Dr. Mikhail Bragin
(September 2022 - Present) Ph.D. UConn
Zuzhao Ye
(Apirl 2024 - Present) Ph.D. University of California, Riverside
Dr. Zhentong Shao
(September 2024 - Present) Ph.D. Xi'an Jiaotong University
Current Ph.D. Students
Yuanbin Cheng
(Fall 2019 - Present) B.S. University of Science and Technology of China, M.S. USC
Jingtao Qin
(Jan 2021 - Present) B.S. Shandong University, M.S. Shandong University
Joseph Brown
(Summer 2023 - Present) B.S. University of California, Riverside
Maojie Tang
(Fall 2024 - Present) M.S. Rice University
Zhixuan Tan
(Fall 2024 - Present) Co-advised with Daniel Wong, M.S. University of California, Riverside
Master Students
Raul Avellaneda (Fall 2017 - Present) Project Option
Mark Heisler (Fall 2018 - Present) Project Option
Ph.D. Students
Brandon Foggo
(Summer 2015 - Fall 2019) B.S. UCLA, Ph.D. UCR
Thesis Title: Information Losses in Neural Classifiers with Applications to Training Data Selection Strategies and Cyber Physical Systems
First Job After Graduation: Machine Learning Scientist at Energy Habitat
Wei Wang
(Spring 2015 - Winter 2020), MSc University of Michigan, Ph.D. UCR
Thesis Title: Advanced Optimization and Data-Driven Control in Smart Grid
First Job After Graduation: Senior Data Scientist at Walmart Labs
Yuanqi Gao
(Summer 2016 - Summer 2020) B.S. Donghua University, Ph.D. UCR
Thesis Title: Data-Driven Monitoring and Control of Smart Grid
First Job After Graduation: Machine Learning Engineer at Lucid Motors
Jie Shi
(Summer 2015 - Winter 2021) MSc Southeast University
Thesis Title: Intelligent Control and Data-Driven Algorithms for Critical Infrastructure Systems
First Job After Graduation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Cornell
Wenyu Wang
(Summer 2015 - Spring 2021) MSc Iowa State University
Thesis Title: Estimation of the Topology, Parameters, and Distributed Energy Resources in Power Distribution Systems
First Job After Graduation: Senior Engineer at Quanta Technology
Farzana Kabir
(Fall 2016 - Winter 2022) B.S. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Thesis Title: Data Driven Integration of Renewable Energy in Smart Grid
First Job After Graduation: EV Freight Grid Infrastructure Assessment Specialist at Caliofnria Energy Commission
Yinglun Li
(Spring 2019 - Winter 2024) M.S. University of California, Riverside
Thesis Title: Data-Driven Modeling and Algorithmic Trading in Electricity Market
First Job After Graduation: Senior Machine Learning Scientist at Alibaba International Digital Commercial (AIDC) Group
Zuzhao Ye
(Summer 2020 - Spring 2024) B.S. University of Science and Technology of China, M.S. Boston University
Thesis Title: Data-Driven Strategic Planning and Intelligent Operation of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Founder of AmpTrans
Osten Anderson
(Fall 2019 - Summer 2024) B.S. UCLA
Thesis Title: Decarbonizing the Electric Grid: Computational Advances in Power System Planning and Scenario Analysis
Electric Engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Postdoc, Visiting Scholars and Students
Yinglun Li (Postdoc, Ph.D. University of California, Riverside, March 2024 - June 2024)
Wenyu Wang (Postdoc, Ph.D. University of California, Riverside, May 2021 - October 2023)
Brandon Foggo (Postdoc, Ph.D. University of California, Riverside, September 2019 - March 2022)
Yuanqi Gao (Postdoc, Ph.D. University of California, Rierside, September 2020 - February 2022)
Isha Sharma (Postdoc, Ph.D. University of Toronto, 2017-2018)
Yang Liu (Visiting Ph.D. Student, Xian Jiaotong University, 2016-2017)
Wen Ding (Visiting Assistant Researcher, Wuhan University, 2015-2016)
Chaoyi Peng (Visiting Ph.D. Student, Hong Kong University, 2014-2015)
Master Students
Shaorong Zhang (Fall 2022 - Spring 2024) Thesis Option, Next Stop: Ph.D. Candidate at UCR
Xianghao Kong (Fall 2019 - Spring 2022) Thesis Option, Next Stop: Ph.D. Candidate at UCR
Zhenhai Zhang (Fall 2017 - Summer 2018) Thesis Option, Next Stop: Ph.D. Candidate at UCR
Zive Petrovski (Fall 2015 - Summer 2018) Project Option, Current Coordinate: Telecommuniation Engineer at DoD
Benjamin Clark (Spring 2018 - Summer 2019) Project Option
Sampath Raman (Spring 2017 - Fall 2018) Project Option, Current Coordinate: Senior Hardware Engineer at Microsft
Pritesh Shah (UCR ECE, Spring 2018 - Summer 2019) Project Option: Cx Electrical Engineer at Rubicon Technical Services
Undergraduate Students
Zhouyu Lu (Alumni, Current Coordinate: Graduate student at UCR)
Spencer Wright (Alumni, Current Employment: LADWP)
Scott Moon (Alumni, Current Employment: LADWP)
Hao Gai (Alumni)
Mengfei Wang (Alumni)
Two Open Positions for Ph.D. Candidates and Postdocs (Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025)
I am seeking self-motivated and creative Ph.D. candidates and Postdocs to conduct research in the following areas, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics in Power Systems, Smart Cities, Water-Energy Nexus, Renewable Energy, and Electricity Market.
If you are interested in applying for the Ph.D. position, please send me a copy of your application package that includes your transcript, overall GPA, publications, GRE and TOEFL score, and names of three references. Candidates with great programming skills, strong mathematical background and prior research experience are preferred. In addition, I am seeking visiting students/scholars in electrical engineering. In the email, please use " Ph.D. Application: Your Name " or " Visiting Student/Scholar: Your Name" as the subject.