Current Courses


·         EE100A: Electronic Circuits I

o    Course Syllabus

o    Office Hours: Tuesday, 1:00-3:00pm

o    Readers

Announcement 1:

Per agreement today, we will hold a zoom lecture (2 slots) on 4/10 Weds (in the Lab session 11am – 1:50pm) that will replace the two lectures on 6/4 and 6/6. Zoom invite was sent via email.

Announcement 2:

TA Office Hours (in emails).

Xunyu Li ( ): Thursday 2-4pm, Zoom at

Runyu Miao ( ): Thursday 1-3pm, zoom at

Office: WCH 234 (check if TA on zoom or in office physically)

Announcement 3:

Today’s class (5/7/Tues) is cancelled (midterm is postponed to a later date TBD).

No lab this week (this week’s lab is shifted to next week).

Lecture on 5/9 Thursday will be on Zoom.


Announcement 4:

As campus returns normal, we will hold our in-person MidTerm in-class on Tuesday 5/14.

Lab 2 resumes to the original schedules.

Class on Thursday 5/9 will be in-person (NOT Zoom).

Announcement 5:

There will be no classes on 6/4 and 6/6, which were given on 4/10. However, I decide to give one extra class on 6/6 in the original class time, in-person. There will be no class on 6/4, Tuesday.