EE100A Class Notes & Readers (Spring 2024)

o    Lecture-1 notes

o    HW#1: Chapter 1 (Textbook Ed 7): 6/14/16/22/30/41/44/69; due on 4/16 (hard copies in class. Solutions will be posted online after collecting HW papers in class, then no late submission will be allowed. HW grading mechanism: 10 points per problem.)

o    Lecture-2 notes

o    Lecture-3 notes

o    Zoom lecture 4/10

o    HW#2: Chapter 2: 2/16/36/43/49/63; due on 4/23

o    Lecture-4 notes

o    Lecture-5a notes

o    Lecture-5b notes

o    HW1 solutions

o    HW#3: Chapter 3: 1/3/6/12/20/25; due on 4/25

o    Lecture-6 notes

o    HW#4: Chapter 4: 2/3/4/9/23/28/43/48; due on 5/2

o    Lecture-7 notes

o    HW2 solutions

o    Lecture-8 notes

o    HW#3 solutions

o    Lecture-9 notes

o    HW#4 solutions

o    Lecture 10 notes

o    HW#5: Chapter 5: 1/6/9/17/18/25/45/56a/d/h

o    HW#5 solutions

o    Lecture 11 notes

o    HW#6: Chapter 6: 2/4/28/35/51/56/61; due on 5/23

o    Lecture 12 note

o    Lecture 13-1 notes

o    Lecture 13-2 notes

o    Lecture 14 notes

o    Lecture 15 notes

o    HW#6 solutions

o    HW#7: Chapter 7: 6/10/25/30/50; due on 6/6

o    Lecture 16 notes

o    Lecture 17 notes

o    HW7 solutions
